Needed HOWMs
Ireen is 24 years old. She was divorced in 2011 because her husband was a polygamist. She has 3 children.
Manesi is 65 years old. Her husband died of malaria in 2003. She cares for 4 children.
Stenia is 78 years old. Her husband died 24 years ago with asthma and arthritis. She cares for 5 children.
Ethel is a 36 year old widow. Her husband died in 2011 with HIV. She is also HIV positive. Ethel has 2 sons.
Chiyesela is 49 years old. Her husband died in 2012 from AIDS. She is HIV positive. Chiyesela cares for 3 children.
Visit our Fundraising Site, pick someone, and hold a fundraiser for them. We're behind you 110%.
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HOWMs is an official 501(c)3 and all donations are tax-deductible.
Mgula is 56 years old. Her husband died in 2005. She cares for 2 children.